E60-28R | Arstg gear/sys: engrd mtrls arstg sys (EMAS) 251 ft in len by 170 ft in wid at the departure end of runway 28R. |
E60-28L | Arstg gear/sys: engrd mtrls arstg sys (EMAS) 562.9 ft in len by 178.2 ft in wid at the departure end of runway 28L. |
E60-10R | Arstg gear/sys: engrd mtrls arstg sys (EMAS) 562.9 ft in len by 178.2 ft in wid at the departure end of runway 10R. |
E60-10L | Arstg gear/sys: engrd mtrls arstg sys (EMAS) 409 ft in len by 170 ft in wid at the departure end of runway 10L. |
A58-10L | +8 ft fence 200 ft from threshold and 400 ft R; 40 ft light poles parl to runway between taxiway Q and A-4 650 ft N. |
A57-28R | Approach ratio 32:1 to displaced threshold; +43 ft lighted pole 1414 ft from threshold 75 ft R; approach ratio 46:1. |
A57-10L | Approach ratio 50:1 to displaced threshold. |
A49-10R | Runway 10R malsf non-standard; 370 ft gap between 8+00 and station 11+70. |
A35-10L/28R | St 175 |
A34-10R/28L | Runway 10R/28L nrs ungrooved areas. |
A110-8 | Birds on and in vicinity of airport; concentration of birds blw 500 ft 2.0 nm W of 10L and 10R approach end runway. |
A110-57 | Airport rescue and fire fighting index C available upon req. |
A110-56 | Taxiway B E of taxiway B12 and txl T E of taxiway T1 closed to aircraft with wingspan greater than 118 ft and tail hgt greater than 45 ft except prior permission required 954-816-3179. |
A110-55 | Do not mistake taxiway B for landing/takeoff surface. |
A110-53 | Runway 10L/28R nrs ungrooved areas. |
A110-52 | Taxiway A between taxiway A2 and taxiway A3 closed to aircraft wingspan more than 171 ft and tail hgt more than 60 ft except prior permission required 954-816-3179. |
A110-50 | Do not mistake taxiway B for landing/takeoff surface. |
A110-5 | Jet runups na 2300-0700. |
A110-49 | Txl T between T7 and T8 closed to aircraft wingspan more than 171 ft. |
A110-48 | Apn taxiway T east of taxiway T8 closed to aircraft wingspan more than 118 ft and tail height more than 45FT except aircraft under tow. |
A110-47 | High light masts wnw approach end runway 28L. |
A110-46 | Numerous trees southwest quadrant of airport. |
A110-44 | Preferential runway use program in efct; contact noise abatement office. |
A110-43 | Aircraft landing runway 10R and exiting J9 follow taxiway lead off line onto J9. |
A110-41 | Runway status lights in oprn. |
A110-40 | Taxiway J bgn to elev 900 ft east of taxiway Q. Due to elev all aircraft remain on centerline; taxiway T8 and taxilane T not accessible from taxiway J. |
A110-4 | All runways noise sensitive; noise abatement in efct - 954-359-6181. |
A110-35 | Turb blw 1000 ft ovr landfill located 2 nm W. |
A110-31 | Aircraft oprg from terminal 1, 2, 3, 4 must contact ramp control. Ramp control eff - contact airport operations for hours. |
A110-30 | East side of concourse B available to aircraft with wingspan less than 124.9 ft. |
A110-27 | Ir carrier aircraft use ramp push back procs prescribed by airport operations. |
A110-22 | No VFR approaches or base legs until offshore. |
A110-20 | Arrival from N and W mntn 6000 ft until abm runway 28R on downwind; arrival from N mntn 6000 ft until abm runway 10L on downwind. |
A110-19 | Taxiway E between taxiway C and taxiway L closed to aircraft wingspan more than 118 ft except 10 minimum prior permission required 954-816-3179. |
A110-16 | Prior permission required for aircraft with explosives. |
A110-1 | Closed to air carrier training; large aircraft training over 58000 lbs max certd gross takeoff weight; all training 2300-0700. |