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Northrop T-38 Talon (N385AF) - 2018 Bell Fort Worth Alliance Air Show
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Northrop T-38 Talon (N385AF)


2018 Bell Fort Worth Alliance Air Show


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Garrett Heller
Beacon beauty!
Interesting that they have civilian flight school T-38s flying out of Sacramento Mather (MHR).
The T-38s were reportedly referred to as "Lawn Darts" back in the day.
They had one go straight down into rock terrain, and, they showed it to us on the big screen during the usual Monday morning safety briefing, saying they confirmed the IP and UPT student were on-board.
The largest part they found for the confirmation was a very small portion of the IP's military I.D. with two consecutive numbers of his SSN.
David Seider
I will freely admit to having a soft spot in my heart for the F-5/F-20/T-38 family - compact, no "frills", straightforward, and "unsophisticated" (in a good way). Decent speed and maneuverability - the roll rate has to be pretty mind-bending, what with that itty-bitty wing. The same can be said for the A-4 Skyhawk.
A long time ago, when I was a young'n, I had the privilege of seeing the Blues with their Skyhawks and the T-Birds with their T-38s.
IMO, the Blues and the Birds had their nicest paint schemes on these aircraft.
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