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Boeing 747-400 (N744ST) - Global SuperTanker Boeing 747-400 resting at KMCC.br /br /Historybr /Global SuperTanker Services - N744ST (2016 - present)br /Evergreen International Airlines - N492EV (2011 - 2015)br /Japan Airlines - JA8086 (1991 - 2015)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png средний / большой / полный

Boeing 747-400 (N744ST)


Global SuperTanker Boeing 747-400 resting at KMCC.

Global SuperTanker Services - N744ST (2016 - present)
Evergreen International Airlines - N492EV (2011 - 2015)
Japan Airlines - JA8086 (1991 - 2015)


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Dave Sheehy
Fantastic picture Andrew!
doug ogle
Absolutely beautiful photo!
Geoffrey PEARSON
She may be resting in this shot but I see she's getting lots of cycles for a 744 with the terrible fires in California at the moment. Just click on some of the dates in the Activity Log and see the low and slow circles. And the ground crews are turning her around in as little as 40 minutes.
pat prendergast
Great Aeroplane, great photo, Thanks!
Global super tanker indeed love it nice pic
Global tanker indeed nice picture
Tony Gallo
Nice photo, Cali needs more 747 tankers!
Robert Simon
We thank the brave fire fighters, including those to staff and fly this beautiful Queen of the Skies for their amazing work. Check out this link: Shows the bird doing her good work. https://www.facebook.com/Geyserville/videos/10154762251966286/
Such sleek lines & a big thank you to the guys who fly it & the guys who get it turned around as said by Geoffrey Pearson below! Great job!!
marylou anderson
'bout time somebody thought to bring this bird in! Hope she can make a difference!
roland pfeifer
A 747 will always get my vote as a Beautifully designed Air Plane
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