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North American Super Sabre (N2011V) - Taking off at dusk from KFWA
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North American Super Sabre (N2011V)


Taking off at dusk from KFWA


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Richard Neibert
Nice shot Jack!
ken kemper
Spectacular Image Jack............

please have N2011V return to Oshkosh in 2018..........
James Banas
Growing up as a pre-teen in the 50's and a teenager in the 60's and wanting more than anything to be an Air Force pilot, this machine, the "Hun", was what filled my dreams and drawings/sketches filled my school notebooks. I had the privilege once to see the Thunderbirds in a show flying the F-100's. Well, I grew up - didn't get to be a fighter pilot but spent 20 years before retirement pushing C-130's around the Arctic and the States. Thanks for the pic and thanks to those who got the "Hun" back to flying status!
Jack LahrmanPhoto Uploader
Thank you for the comments everybody.
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