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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet — - Check out our aviation videos with 100% authentic and non-leveled sound! a rel=nofollow href=http://youtube.com/ilikeriohttp://youtube.com/ilikerio/abr /F/A-18 performance at the Staurt Air Show! 11/01/15br /Sorry about the blurriness. Shutter speed was a little too low for an aircraft moving almost at the speed of sound!
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McDonnell Douglas FA-18 Hornet —


Check out our aviation videos with 100% authentic and non-leveled sound! http://youtube.com/ilikerio
F/A-18 performance at the Staurt Air Show! 11/01/15
Sorry about the blurriness. Shutter speed was a little too low for an aircraft moving almost at the speed of sound!


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Its hardly blurry at all, nice photo! 5 stars
ilikerioPhoto Uploader
Thank you!!


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