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Boeing MD-11 (N590FE) - FDX 1200 climbing through 10,000 from FLL to MEM.
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Boeing MD-11 (N590FE)


FDX 1200 climbing through 10,000 from FLL to MEM.


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ilikerioPhoto Uploader
Sorry about this guys, but here's the story behind the picture. The full moon was out. For 3 nights I tried to get a good picture with it involving an aircraft. Countless times something flew in front of the moon when I was setting up my camera. This was the last chance I had to catch the moon before I go back out to high school.
Well... As the moon rose steadily up until it was out of the departure path, my favorite bird, and MD-11, was spotted departing FLL. Really, the moon was well above the aircraft when it flew by, and I was so pissed about it. In the end, I decided to edit in the moon to the picture and post it, because I know that without the moon this picture would suck. So please, if you don't like it because it's fake, just don't rate it. Thanks.
Tyler Emtage
It's an awesome photo...thanx for sharing it...5*!
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