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Bell UH-13H (N44SG)
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Bell UH-13H (N44SG)



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Larry Toler
My first helicopter flight was in one of these over Badlands, SD when I was 13. Years later; in Richmond, VA at the state fair they had held operations rides on a Bell Jetranger. My girlfriend at the time and her daughter had never flew. I bought tickets and me and her four year old daughter thrilled, my girlfriend was not. I'm used to fixed wing flying, but that rush off the ground and at the nose down attitude was really cool.
jesse kyzer
Constructed as a 1965? Bell 47G-3B-1 (H-13 Sioux)
Butch Hollingsworth
Larry, They did the same thing in Jackson Ms. way back when. you could buy tickets for about 5 min ride. I loved it nose down my new wife was not as thrilled. Great flight. Now its in a H-145.
Truly a sweet machine. Best boxer-powered recip helo ever! But...
LOVED my Huey!!! Always fantasized about bolting a PT-6 to an H-13.
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