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BOEING 727-200 (N216WE) - So happy with this shot! During peak season at SDF, I noticed this 727 departed everyday around 4pm. I waited for a sunny day, and amongst the hundreds of UPS departures, got this 727 banking off of runway 17R in some stunning lighting!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png средний / большой / полный

BOEING 727-200 (N216WE)


So happy with this shot! During peak season at SDF, I noticed this 727 departed everyday around 4pm. I waited for a sunny day, and amongst the hundreds of UPS departures, got this 727 banking off of runway 17R in some stunning lighting!


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frank theriault
Gorgeous shot! Yes, the light is amazing - "the golden hour" by the looks of it, about an hour before sunset, right? I'm so happy that some of these old beauties are still being used as freighters.
ken kemper

Well done / I'd give anything to see a 727 fly again.

Have a great weekend.
Nice shot, nice bird.
Rafael Castilla
Although not a frequent flyer, I had the pleasure to fly in a -200 one at least once in my life with extinct Mexicana airlines. One of the finest airlines of its time.
Great shot buddy!!
John Shearer
Simply superb shot of the Old Lady. Spent some 24 years and 10,000 hours flying her around the Western Hemisphere.
Michael Glumack
Great old airplane. They have been around for many years. And extremely reliable aircraft.
HEY..I was in that plane the 2 weeks out of SDF to the west coast and back, 2S2F super, second to last to ever leave the line. great old bird.
Rick Hoffman
wow beautiful shot of a classic .
marylou anderson
Nice job with the light
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