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N216HU — - Grumman HU-16C Albatross at the Lauridsen Aviation Museum
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N216HU —


Grumman HU-16C Albatross at the Lauridsen Aviation Museum


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Used to wake up to Coast Guard at KOPF Opa Locka doing engine run-ups on the R2800s.
John Rumble
Used to wake up to Coast Guard at KOPF Opa Locka doing engine run-ups on the R2800s.

Used to love the Corrosion corner at Opa-Locka
Many wonderous old birds there
Michael Wulfsohn
One of my favorite aircraft to just stare at. Thanks!
Rick Rodkey
Crewed on these out of CG Air Station San Francisco back in the '60s. Water landings were always exciting.
Schooled on the 16 in E. City, 1979, then stationed at SFO and CG was phasing them out, only got to go on one sortie, crazy loved that bird.
George Leaf
Mid 1970’s we were still flying gofer trips to Opa Locka from Guantanamo with the last two Na y Hu-16 D’s.
marylou anderson
pretty shot
Michael Reamy
I grew up in Corpus Christi, TX in the '60s. My dad and I spend every free day fishing the Laguna Madre. It wasn't unusual to have see a HU-16C land near us.
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