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Consolidated B-24 Liberator (N224J) - Collings Foundation "Wings of Freedom Tour," 9 Apr 16, at Marana Regional Airport, AZ.  B-24J, Witchcraft, NX224J.  Sitting on the floor at the left waist gun position looking aft.
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Consolidated B-24 Liberator (N224J)


Collings Foundation "Wings of Freedom Tour," 9 Apr 16, at Marana Regional Airport, AZ. B-24J, Witchcraft, NX224J. Sitting on the floor at the left waist gun position looking aft.


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Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
This shows the path back to the tail gunner's position. This is also the easiest part of the plane in which to move around. We had to sit here for taxi, take off, and landing. It wouldn't have been so bad except that we are facing to the rear and can't see out because the bottom of the window is well above our (me and the two guys sitting next to me) line of sight. (I don't like flying backwards especially if I can't see out. That's why I don't like flying in C-5's much either.) The area (approx 2-3 feet) on the floor just past the ammo boxes (on the left of the picture) is also a hatch and was open while we were parked on the ground.
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