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McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (84-0026) - I do enjoy when the 142nd does late runs with recovery right at sun down.
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McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (84-0026)


I do enjoy when the 142nd does late runs with recovery right at sun down.


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Wow, congrats for a simply stunning photo! A 5 star rating simply doesn't do justice for this perfect 10 shot. Thank you for sharing.
If I wanted to blow this up, frame it, and hang it in my office... How would I go about doing that?

[email protected]
ken kemper
Stunning Photo is right.

7 years ago I enjoyed watching the 142nd Fly from the perimeter of the Portland airport's fence line.

This is my favorite phot this week Lonewolf.
David Malsher
Perfect shot of one of the most perfect looking fighters of all time
Marc Weeks
Forwarding this to my son, who is an avionics maintainer for the F-15E at Seymour Johnson AFB in North Carolina. Great photo. Different angle than usual.
Stunning photo, great work!
Tom Heaverlo
Beautiful shot! Simply awesome!
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