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— — - Aerial fireworks display where the fireworks are attached to an aircraft. Really cool long exposure photo from Sun N Fun in Lakeland Florida. Questions about this photo can be sent to Info@FlewShots.com
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Aerial fireworks display where the fireworks are attached to an aircraft. Really cool long exposure photo from Sun N Fun in Lakeland Florida. Questions about this photo can be sent to [email protected]


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Marianne Tyler
Great photo
James Wilson Jr
I wish that somebody would post photos of the night sky over Tan Son Nhut when the C-130s were dropping flares all night long while circling the airfield in the 1960s.I remember that at times you could read the Stars and Stripes news paper on the ground.
Leon Kay
Wow, an amazing photo!
Magical, great picture!
marylou anderson
another amazing great shot!
Ghislaine Robert
Great picture
Yvonne Malone
Andre Blanchard
Fantastic photo.
ken kemper
Super shot Peter !!
That is an awesome picture. I've never seen anything like it. You have many amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing.


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