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Piaggio P.180 Avanti (N107SL)
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Piaggio P.180 Avanti (N107SL)



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Alan Brown
Looks a bit like something that might have been designed by Rutan.
More like a racy "Italian job" design... with a bit of Wichita, Kansas early construction and Lear Jet's design assist... and most notably with Ferrari financial backing tossed in.
Jesse Carroll
How many Beechcraft "Star Ships" do you see daily? Didn't work out to well for them, so why would this Rutan clone work or sell?
Oh , I see, it's a one and only one for the Ferrari folks.....
ignazio fadda
Jesse Carroll - My understanding is Beechcraft pulled the plug on their Starship and not entirely due to any issues or problems. Perhaps they reasonably deducted it wasn't a good time to market a competitor to their vaunted King Air and a growing line of corporate business jets.

As for the Piaggio Avanti, Ferrari's involvement was financial backing and support during development and testing... and in any case, there isn't a current financial or ownership connection between the Ferrari family and Piaggio that I am aware of.

If the Avanti is successful in the marketplace, this is because it's fast and efficient... and it's been around a while. At least since the mid-1980's or so.
I saw one at Milan Malpensa airport in October, 2014. It sounded like a million loud mosquitos but looked like a small racehorse
sam kuminecz
piaggio had pusher designs well before rutan or beech thought of them

look at the P-23, P-136, P-166...design started in late 1930s.


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