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N77EV — - Looking north at Clearwater Beach at sunset. The weather was warm and pleasant, the view extraordinary. The plane flew great. You should have been here! This vacation moment was taken May 29, 2016 at about 20:15. Clearwater Beach is one of the most highly rated vacation destinations in the United States. It is a fantastic place. Thanks to Dane Hauser ay Sky-Surfing.com for the ride! The Revo handled great and dispensed with my previous "hang glider" misconceptions, that baby could really fly!
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N77EV —


Looking north at Clearwater Beach at sunset. The weather was warm and pleasant, the view extraordinary. The plane flew great. You should have been here! This vacation moment was taken May 29, 2016 at about 20:15. Clearwater Beach is one of the most highly rated vacation destinations in the United States. It is a fantastic place. Thanks to Dane Hauser ay Sky-Surfing.com for the ride! The Revo handled great and dispensed with my previous "hang glider" misconceptions, that baby could really fly!


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