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McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (78-0496) - Flying display at the Australian International Airshow, Avalon, Victoria March 20. 2005.
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McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle (78-0496)


Flying display at the Australian International Airshow, Avalon, Victoria March 20. 2005.


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
US service aircraft were, and still are, no strangers at major Australian Airshows.

Later in 2005 I took my first steps into digital but this shot was on film.
Don Fitzgerald
Very good shot Gavin. Did you scan a print or work with the negative to get the digital?
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Don for the compliment. Off negative. Thankfully I've got all my negs back to when I started with neg film (as opposed to slide).
Darryl Sarno
Great shot Gavin!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Darryl.
Sandi Jones
Unbelievably good photo, Gavin.
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you Sandi.
Tom Vance
best to find a clear area and swing that lens 180. 5x!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Tom. Up in the back row of the grandstand and some swingin' room.
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