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Boeing 747-400 (9V-SFG) - Adelaide, South Australia, November 27, 2007. On short final for Rw 23 at 1910.
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Boeing 747-400 (9V-SFG)


Adelaide, South Australia, November 27, 2007. On short final for Rw 23 at 1910.


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
These flights were regular back in the day and this was a great photo spot at the time. The person who owns the house over whose yard these could photographed has extend the house and it now blocks this view. No respect for aviation photographers - grin.
Joan Williams
Awesome shot!!!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Dean.
Darryl Sarno
Wow!!! Great close up shot of the Queen! Well done!
Sandi Jones
Yes, great detail on the Queen! Glad to see she's still flying.
Gary Schenauer
Five Stars Plus for this snap of the Mega Ark. (Both Thumbs Up)
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Darryl, Sandi and Gary - thank you all, and Sandi, isn't it good to see she's till in service doing what she is supposed to do. Long may she reign.
Dave Sheehy
Fantastic shot Gavin. Thanks!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you Dave.
Robert Neate
Would appear to be 9V-SFG from the nosegear door. Great shot.
She's still got it
Captures the drama and majesty of 'the Queen'!!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Robert Neate - oops - fixed. Thank you for spotting the error.
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thank you adelma.
Tom Vance
Yabba I have not seen a Mega Ark since LAX many years ago!! Like Gman says _ BTU & ful!
John Giambone
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