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Boeing 747-400 (VH-OEI) - My first time seeing a Qantas aircraft in action and it was a complete thrill to be able to catch here on short final to 24R. Usually these fly in the evening or late at night so I was a little surprised when I saw this one through my viewfinder.
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Boeing 747-400 (VH-OEI)


My first time seeing a Qantas aircraft in action and it was a complete thrill to be able to catch here on short final to 24R. Usually these fly in the evening or late at night so I was a little surprised when I saw this one through my viewfinder.


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Mathias Böttcher
super belly shot ! 5*
Mark SeePhoto Uploader
Thank you very much Mathias, your comment and vote are much appreciated.
Ivan Blakely
from sun angle this looks mid afternoon which probably meant a bunch of grumpy passengers missing connections.
watch for more QF arrivals not long after sunrise
Mark SeePhoto Uploader
Ivan, thanks, I did mean to write that we do get them early in the morning too in the description but for whatever reason I forgot. They usually get here early am and leave around 11pm or so to head back.
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