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BOEING 747-8 (N5016R)
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BOEING 747-8 (N5016R)



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donKurt Fischer
I think I can smell the burnt-rubber from here in Delaware ! It's no wonder my carpeting is turning black & StandlySteemer has to be paid $250 for cleaning. Frauke calls it dirt. I call it Carbon Black , & when it gets into one's lungs, they too turn black !! I'm thinking they should change the rubber-color to white or pink or maybe even Green !...why always just Black ??
It is the all time most beautiful commercial aircraft built!!! Makes the A380 look like a bloated tick! I am hoping Emirates places the order this fall.
Best Airlines & Luxury Airlines
nice shot!
sam kuminecz
I had same experience on etihad flying jfk-OMAA. Had whole row to myself and 3 sets of blankets and pillows . The braised lamb and unlimited wine was good too. And this was all economy class.
Pedro Nicolino
Michael Harris
Just another example of non american airlines with all the wonderful service and food unlike the cattle haulers we have here in the states.
Glen Moore
I got the chance to sit in seat 1F (I think, Stbd side, first row) on this particular aircraft a while back. Many years of flying "upstairs" on the 747 and even in front row down below, but this one on the new (at the time) 747-8 was awesome!
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