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Airbus A340-600 (ZS-SNE)
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Airbus A340-600 (ZS-SNE)



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Paul Wisgerhof
Great shot. Looks like the Condor bird is squatting to miss the South African plane!
Colin Seftel
SAA has been grounded for months. An old photo?
Michael Wulfsohn
Interesting perspective!
Very interesting! Never noticed before that Airbus couldn't figure out which way was best to hang the main gear trucks!

Nice shot of a very pretty airplane!
adelma, actually the engineers at Airbus did have something in mind with those trucks. You see, the strut for the center set is aft of the wing-mounted gear. So by tilting forward on the center strut all three gear will have a pair of wheels line up laterally so they touch down at the same time. I recall a picture of a Thai Airlines 340-600 in the Flight Aware gallery that was taken near perpendicular to the line of flight and illustrates that geometry.
Well adelma, I apologize. I found the picture I mentioned and it was not from Flight Aware.
Skylab72 - thank you for a very complete answer! Makes a lot of sense now!
Roy FischerPhoto Uploader
Old Foto from 2015
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