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Boeing 747-200 (N613US) - mid to late 90's. Scanned from print.
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Boeing 747-200 (N613US)


mid to late 90's. Scanned from print.


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Trenton Linebaugh
Excellent capture! Love these old NW bowling shoe shots. Looks like ship #6613 on the nose gear door, so this bird is likely N613US? Thanks for the uploads!
jeff slack
The good old days when we actually had a choice of some great carriers.
terry kelsey
Thanks. A welcome blast from the past.
Adriana Varela
Love it!!
Mark Kulda
Any idea where this might have been taken?
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Mark, this was taken from the truck loading dock by the International Arrivals building, late mid to late 90's I want to say.
John Innes
Was this photo taken from the Old IAB in IND?
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
John Innes, yes. The IAB ramp. The IAB building is still there.
Couldn't be more fitting of a pic on the day after they roll the last 747 off the line in Everett; such an iconic bird! Thanks for posting...
James Simms
May have been the 747 I flew on a MAC flight from St. Louis to Osan AFB, Korea via Oakland & Yokota AFB in 84. Or the 747 I tookreturning from Korea 15 months later.
Jared Maurtua
Better days... great photo!
Tranell Mayes
This was my favorite airplane, and airliner I miss the Northwest airline and that's a great shot of this plane.
Larry Toler
We used to get these on Saturdays at RAF Mildenhall as the Freedom Bird. It would originate at Rhein-Main transit through MHZ then on to PHL.
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