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Antonov An-225 Mriya (UR-82060)
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Antonov An-225 Mriya (UR-82060)



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Leon Kay
Thank you for a nice photo of the one and only Antonov An-225.
Kevin Popeck
That bird is such a Monster, but such a beautiful looking bird. It's a really nice looking picture of her, thanks for sharing it.
marylou anderson
Great pic! You captured the WHOLE thing!
Leander Williams
I first saw this bad boy in Oakland, CA back in the 80s, when it made a stop at Oakland International... I missed it by 30 minutes in September when it stopped at Oakland again... Very impressive, and pictures don't really convey the absolute massive size.
Excellent shot and lucky for you!
Also, my compliments to the dedication and genius of the Soviet engineers and the Soviet Union for backing their dream and passion!
Love this massive aeronautical work of geniuses!
Apparently, POTSU Putin has the biggest toy.
I'm sure he and the POTUS have discussed that fact.
Gilles Plourde
The Antonov 225 was designed in Ukraine and wears Ukrainian colors. It's not Russian.
Gézáné Lengyel
Gyönyörűséges, csak ámulok és bámulok:)
Mylos BesselingPhoto Uploader
Thank you all :)
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