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Douglas DC-7 (N838D)
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Douglas DC-7 (N838D)



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Gary Schenauer
I'd pitch a tent on the RTS ramp and camp there if I knew this old beauty was coming here. Another ****** click, Tim. Cap is off to you.
Tim CrippinPhoto Uploader
Thanks Gary, I have to try and get as many pictures as I can of them as I can this year. They will be retired after the fire season is over for Oregon.
Gary Schenauer
I very much appreciate the info, Tim (re: retirement). I will watch this one as closely as I can. Perhaps it will pay a visit to RTS. I would truly love to get a snap of it before it is WFU. Also, your pictures of ALL the air tanker birds are always premier photos, so please keep them coming. (Wave)
Tom Vance
Great photo TC, The last time I saw this was in the old colors 2014. Ashland/Medford trip soon! 5x
Diana Rose
WoW! Don't see many of these.
ken kemper

A beauty of a find & photo !!
melvyn jamieson
Just a perfect photograph. Mel.
sal derosa
The only words I can find —- SPOT ON!!
jesse kyzer
GREAT looking A/C, NICE pic!
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