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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N5017N) - "Aluminum Overcast" gleams in the early morning slightly overcast sunrise while the crew prefer her for her flights. Here you can see a closeup view from the aft section of the aircraft looking forward with the navigator's seat and beacon light to the upper ball turret. Photo taken Sunday, June 23, 2019 with Nikon D3200 at 350mm.
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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N5017N)


"Aluminum Overcast" gleams in the early morning slightly overcast sunrise while the crew prefer her for her flights. Here you can see a closeup view from the aft section of the aircraft looking forward with the navigator's seat and beacon light to the upper ball turret. Photo taken Sunday, June 23, 2019 with Nikon D3200 at 350mm.


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Dwight HartjePhoto Uploader
Was the beacon light added later to this aircraft or was it delivered with beacon lights?
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