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Consolidated B-24 Liberator (N224J) - Witchcraft makes her entrance to RDU on 10/19/17 for a Collings Foundation fly-in.
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Consolidated B-24 Liberator (N224J)


Witchcraft makes her entrance to RDU on 10/19/17 for a Collings Foundation fly-in.


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Leon Kay
Just in time for Halloween!
marylou anderson
very be-Witching!
Great photo !!!
Savannah FordPhoto Uploader
Thanks! I believe that gentleman has the best seat in the house...
John Wallach
Also made by Ford and engines by Studebaker.
john cook
gota love those old Studeies.
They made Jeeps too!
Au contraire, John Wallach and John Cook...

Studebaker built 63,789 Wright R-1820 Cyclone single row radial engines for the B-17 at the Chippewa Avenue facility it operated in South Bend. The B-24 used a double row Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp engine, which Studebaker never held a wartime contract to manufacture.

Neither did Studebaker manufacture any WWII Jeeps. Willys and Ford built Jeeps, with Bantam building a lesser number of the early version of the Jeep.

Studebaker did, however, manufacture 197,678 of their US6/M-16 2-1/2 ton trucks for the war effort. Also, Studebaker designed and manufactured the tracked M29 Weasel for the U.S. military in WWII, producing 15,124 of these in its main South Bend, Indiana manufacturing plant.
Al Miller
A local radio personality is fond of saying:

"You learn more here by accident than elsewhere by design"

Reading FlightAwre comments is certainly the same!!
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