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Airbus A380-800 (9V-SKG) - Leaving Southern California – a Singapore Airlines A380 super-jumbo ascending above the palm tree tops after takeoff from the Los Angeles International Airport, LAX, Westchester, Los Angeles, California
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Airbus A380-800 (9V-SKG)


Leaving Southern California – a Singapore Airlines A380 super-jumbo ascending above the palm tree tops after takeoff from the Los Angeles International Airport, LAX, Westchester, Los Angeles, California


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Hey gang what are those spike type things on the wings for?
Sebastian Pion
Great photo!!!!
Cody Duval
@TREEMAN69, those spikes simply cover up the actuators for the flaps so that they can be mounted outside of the wing, yet still be aerodynamic. The actuators are quite large to be mounted inside the wing, taking up precious room where there could be a fuel tank.
john russell
Singapore girl-the only way to fly!
Belle photo
mark lovelien
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