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N2756 — - Although it looks as though pilot (and co-owner) Toby Ashley is flying N2756, his Carbon Cub named "Sarge," directly toward my position, in actuality he is flying sideways (left to right) as he is about to touch down on the dirt infield between the runway and the ramp.br /Not being a pilot myself, I don't know the proper word to describe what Toby is doing. I suppose I could say he is crabbing "Sarge" but my understanding of crabbing is that it is a maneuver a pilot uses when landing in a strong crosswind, but since there was no wind at all when Toby was executing this, I'll just call it an intense sideslip maneuver (and hope I'm using the correct word).br /No matter what his maneuver is called, it was severe. And it worked. Toby had Sarge down on the dirt ... and at a dead stop ... by the time he came abreast of me as I stood next to the ramp snapping pics. And just a few seconds after that, Sarge had been spun around 180 degrees and was again airborne headed back past that yellow flag marker.br /It was AWESOME!!
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N2756 —


Although it looks as though pilot (and co-owner) Toby Ashley is flying N2756, his Carbon Cub named "Sarge," directly toward my position, in actuality he is flying sideways (left to right) as he is about to touch down on the dirt infield between the runway and the ramp.
Not being a pilot myself, I don't know the proper word to describe what Toby is doing. I suppose I could say he is crabbing "Sarge" but my understanding of crabbing is that it is a maneuver a pilot uses when landing in a strong crosswind, but since there was no wind at all when Toby was executing this, I'll just call it an intense sideslip maneuver (and hope I'm using the correct word).
No matter what his maneuver is called, it was severe. And it worked. Toby had Sarge down on the dirt ... and at a dead stop ... by the time he came abreast of me as I stood next to the ramp snapping pics. And just a few seconds after that, Sarge had been spun around 180 degrees and was again airborne headed back past that yellow flag marker.
It was AWESOME!!


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Darryl Sarno
Cool shot Gary! Love the size of the tires!
Dave Sheehy
5* Gary! Love those tundra tires :)
Derek Marshall
Fantastic shot Gary! Love those tundra tires 5⭐️ Should be more
Tom Vance
Thank you Gman...

Addl: excellent calendar photo here, You captured a moving photo and description tells it all standing still.! 5x fer sure and 5x for the email!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Boss, Dave, Homer, and Alien ... Hey, guys, howdy and TYVVM for the complis. (Thumbs Up)
Gavin Hughes
My goodness have I been off line that long!! Great shot and story to go with it.

It seems Toby had intentionally performed the maneuver to show it could be done. Takes some skill for sure and these types of aircraft are well suited for the pilots who can handle them like that.
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