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Air Tractor AT-802 (N804AS) - N804AS, an Air Tractor 802F (AT-802F), one of seven aircraft in this morning's Parade of Planes from Reno Tahoe International west down Peckham Lane for a mile or so to the Reno Sparks Convention Center, is about to enter the Convention Center access driveway opposite the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa parking lot.br /This Fire Boss is a gorgeous bird. There were many, many lights around the area where this pic was clicked, including the red and blue lights on the police cars and motorcycles, the Atlantis Casino parking lot lights, the streetlights on Peckham Lane, the Convention Center driveway lights, and the headlights of ten trucks in the parade. The shadows on the Fire Boss from all the lights gives a false impression of the paint job on it. Although the various shadows make the paint look mottled, in reality the paint is perfect and this Fire Boss is astoundingly gorgeous.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png средний / большой / полный

Air Tractor AT-802 (N804AS)


N804AS, an Air Tractor 802F (AT-802F), one of seven aircraft in this morning's Parade of Planes from Reno Tahoe International west down Peckham Lane for a mile or so to the Reno Sparks Convention Center, is about to enter the Convention Center access driveway opposite the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa parking lot.
This Fire Boss is a gorgeous bird. There were many, many lights around the area where this pic was clicked, including the red and blue lights on the police cars and motorcycles, the Atlantis Casino parking lot lights, the streetlights on Peckham Lane, the Convention Center driveway lights, and the headlights of ten trucks in the parade. The shadows on the Fire Boss from all the lights gives a false impression of the paint job on it. Although the various shadows make the paint look mottled, in reality the paint is perfect and this Fire Boss is astoundingly gorgeous.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
It was 24 degrees at 2:25 AM when I arrived in Reno to position and prepare for the parade. At 5 AM, I caught my first view of the oncoming convoy. The temp was 20 degrees. Thirty-five minutes later, the (very, VERY slow moving) convoy finally arrived at my location. By 6:25 AM, all seven aircraft were on a short section of E. Peckham and lined up waiting to enter the driveway. That was when I wrapped up my photo session and hiked back to my car a couple blocks away. When I got in, the dashboard gauge for the outside air temp read 19 degrees. Seemed a heck of a lot colder, but maybe that was just because I had no feeling in my frozen fingers. (lolol) But it was worth the long wait AND the frozen hands.
Greg Byington
Nice shots, Gary! You are a better man than I am. I do not know if I could or would have done that!
Tom Vance
What a cool city - that lets aircraft be towed to the Convention Center! Parade of Planes? Gman gets 5 FFs on this one- well 10 if both hands were iced. Time for Isotoner gloves with small fingertip cuts so you can stay out longer for us!
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27 фев 2025 AT8TDenton Enterprise ()Cleburne Rgnl () 13:44 CST 14:11 CST 0:26
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