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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (N407QX)
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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (N407QX)



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C.W. Reed
The "Oregon Ducks" not aware of that livery! Thank you Gary! Cheers!!
Greg Byington
Very nice shot, Gary! It's much better than my shot of this bird.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Thanks, Greg, and also ... be advised that your pic is outstanding. You were trying to shoot thru a terminal gate window, and there are three reasons that such shots are immensely difficult: 1) those windows are always tinted, 2) those windows always have reflections, and 3) those windows are always dirty on the outside (and sometimes on the inside, too). Given that you were trying to cope with all of those impediments and you could not remedy any of them, your snap of this QXE Dash 8 is superb.
C.W. .... Howdy and Thank You again for your comments and friendship.
Greg Byington
You're welcome and thanks! ;-)
C.W. Reed
Likewise! Great pic! Thank You Gary!
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