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Boeing 747-400 (N949CA) - In memory of the seven Americans who lost their lives in the tragic crash of this National Airlines B747-400 named "Lori" which occurred one year ago tomorrow (April 29, 2013) at Bagram Airfield, Parwan Province, Afghanistan, this photo of "Lori" taken just 35 days earlier (Mar 26, 2013) as it was on short final to Reno Tahoe Intls runway 16R is submitted.  May Pilots Brad Hasler and Jeremy Lipka, First Officers / Navigators Rinku Summan and Jamie Brokaw, Loadmaster Michael Sheets, and Maintenance Crewmen Gary Stockdale and Timothy Garrett have Blue Skies Forever.
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Boeing 747-400 (N949CA)


In memory of the seven Americans who lost their lives in the tragic crash of this National Airlines B747-400 named "Lori" which occurred one year ago tomorrow (April 29, 2013) at Bagram Airfield, Parwan Province, Afghanistan, this photo of "Lori" taken just 35 days earlier (Mar 26, 2013) as it was on short final to Reno Tahoe Intl's runway 16R is submitted. May Pilots Brad Hasler and Jeremy Lipka, First Officers / Navigators Rinku Summan and Jamie Brokaw, Loadmaster Michael Sheets, and Maintenance Crewmen Gary Stockdale and Timothy Garrett have Blue Skies Forever.


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Darryl Sarno
Great shot of this beautiful bird!
xrecovery xrecovery
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