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Bell VH-1 (N212HP)
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Bell VH-1 (N212HP)



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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Over the span of the 9 hours I was positioned next to Taxiway Charlie, N212HP took off (and returned) three different times. Each time, it came by me very closely; one time so close that even with just my 18-55mm on the camera, I had too MUCH lens. And believe me, THAT means it was CLOSE! But I already had about 75-80 pics of it showing it lifting off (right in front of me), departing right past me (seen here), arriving directly toward me, and touching down next to me. And because the clouds gradually cleared away over the course of the day, I caught it in several different light conditions. In every pic, it is one gorgeous looking rotor bird.
Greg Byington
Well done, Gary!
Gavin Hughes
Great pic Gary. If it was too close for an 18-55, the rotor-wash must have been sensational!
Tom Vance
Spoiling the "G" commenters string - I have pics of this whirlybird at KRDD and and I hope you had your hat tied down, 5x5x5 arrv/departures,, x 80 pics = top notch!
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