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Ford Tri-Motor (N9645) - Trimotor taking off before the air show at Oshkosh
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Ford Tri-Motor (N9645)


Trimotor taking off before the air show at Oshkosh


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Alvaro Molina
Legendario FORD
Doug Cook
Wondering, why the forward windscreen tilt, vs. seemingly obvious aerodynamic convention? And, why don't we get curtains anymore?!
This airplane is the personification of necessity and innovation. Wake up America and become a grate nation not an indited nation. Ford needed something he created it Lets get back to work America.
Doug, I believe it's to reduce/eliminate reflections from the lights and instruments at night. You'll see the same kind of windshield on some Fokkers, and Stinsons.
David Cochrun
I flew on several of these when they were serving Island Airlines out of Port Clinton, Ohio to the islands in Lake Erie! Wicker seats! Soft tires made for easy landing on grass. Island kids were bused to school on the mainland in these aircraft too. TAT was part of a rail/air transcontinental transportation scheme. Rail by night when is was not yet safe to fly at night and TAT during daylight hours.
Ed Ostrand
I flew in one in the 70s run by Island Airways out of Put-in-Bay, Ohio. Very cool experience flying in such a great price of aviation history.
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