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Boeing 747-400 (PH-BFN) - Landing above Maho Beach.
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Boeing 747-400 (PH-BFN)


Landing above Maho Beach.


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ken kemper
Incredible view & shot.

Perfect Sky & Beach Michel
George Hall
I have been there. Quite a site. St. Marteen. Part of the St. Thomas Islands, east Caribbean. There is a road that separates the beach and the chain link fence where the airport runway is. It is fun, but dangerous to go to the fence and get "blown away" by the jet exhaust when taking off. They have to throttle up hard to make it over the mountains at the other end of the runway. You hang on to the fence for dear life getting almost risen in the air. You let go, your dead. There has been a fatality. There is also a bar/ restaurant that hangs over the water(on piers) with covered out door seating. A statue of Johnny Walker and a mural on a wall of a DC-3.
brings back memories of when i used to drag in the DC8 loaded with vacationers on holiday.
i'd come over the fence @ 100' and touchdown on the numbers everytime.
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