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Boeing 757-200 (N207UW)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png средний / большой / полный

Boeing 757-200 (N207UW)



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Mathias Böttcher
____1A__ SUPER photo , Scot
Dave Sheehy
Well done Scot! 5*+
Scot WattawaPhoto Uploader
Thank you Mathias and Dave.
Greg Byington
Very nice catch, Scot!
David Seider
It might just be the optics...but it appears that the elevated taxiway is not quite substantial enough for the likes of our 757...? ;-)
Scot WattawaPhoto Uploader
Thank you Greg. Corsair.... I have been trying to get this image for a while, but I agree about the weight distribution characteristics of that landing strip.
Jeffrey Brooks
Perfect timing
Great photo of a terribly gaudy logo.
Awesome pic!
Luis Jacobo
darn good livery, its amazing
Paul Marcil
Ummm - I don't think it's ataxiway or runway - Aircraft is landing parallel to a raised overpass - correct me if I'm wrong.
Scot WattawaPhoto Uploader
Paul, That is a Sky Train bridge that connects parking to the terminals.
Nice! If you don't mind me asking.. what camera are you using?
Scot WattawaPhoto Uploader
David, Nikon D610
Okay, cool! You've got some great shots, well done!
Scot WattawaPhoto Uploader
David, Thank you very much
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