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Antonov An-225 Mriya (UR-82060) - Arrival at Toronto Pearson from Anchorage with medical supplies
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Antonov An-225 Mriya (UR-82060)


Arrival at Toronto Pearson from Anchorage with medical supplies


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Quel bel oiseau!
Alan Hume
It shouldn't fly ... but it does, very well! Incredible!
Ken Hardy
The Russian answer to the question, How do you make a Barn fly
ken kemper
Awesome photo & angle !!
doug marshburn
Excellent shot .
Its amazing that this can get off the grown! Nice shot!
frank theriault
Aviation event of the year here in YYZ. And I missed it (damn!). Thanks for this terrific photo!
Christopher Jahraus
Perfect symmetry!
This beastie could take the barn along with it. Beautiful example of a 'one purpose-no compromise' design. Great picture - really captures what a magnificent airplane it is!
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