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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (N1713) - This is a cropped pic so you can see the plane better. United States Coast Guard landing runway 33-15 Cold Bay, Alaska.
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (N1713)


This is a cropped pic so you can see the plane better. United States Coast Guard landing runway 33-15 Cold Bay, Alaska.


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Gary Schenauer
Very, very excellent. Five star capture whether cropped or not. Well caught, Aaron, and TY for sharing it. (And a PS -- The uncropped version is also outstanding, but I appreciate that you cropped it. The uncropped version is mostly scenery; hard to see the Herc. Gave both a ***** rating. Thumbs Up)
Nice foto Aaron! FYI: U.S. Government aircraft do not use "N" numbers. This aircraft is a HC-130H / Ser #1713 / cn 382-5034. It should post as just 1713. Try the website Scramble to ID military aircraft.
C.W. Reed
Agree with Gary & LELAND, 5 stars here! Thank you very much for posting, aaron! Cheers from Indiana!
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