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Boeing B-52 Stratofortress (60-0060) - “Iron Butterfly” At Barksdale Air Force Base visiting from Minot AFB.
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Boeing B-52 Stratofortress (60-0060)


“Iron Butterfly” At Barksdale Air Force Base visiting from Minot AFB.


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Guerry Bowen
After all these years, it is still a beautiful and majestic piece of art.
John Winters
Good looking BUFF.
Alan Brown
I used to be at Kadena in the late 60's early 70's and my children learned to sleep through the BUFFs launching for Nam. Still a great bird.
Jim Quinn
Yes, beautiful! I spent some years at Travis in the 60's, and the MITO's were incredible! Noisy, but neat! These days they are much, much quieter but I still enjoy seeing them on a slow descent path into Barksdale, flying west to east over me here in Longview, TX.
This bird looks brand new. Air Force has done a super job keeping her shining. Refueled my first new "G" model out of Beale AFB, 1961
Earl Mainor
I used to be at Anderson AFB,Guam in the middle 60's launching for Nam. Still a great bird.
Neil Klapthor
3000hrs in the BUFF (G model) as navigator and radar navigator (the SAC term for bombardier) at Barksdale and Wurtsmith AFB in 70s & 80s. Love/hate that ol' beast - a challenging mission! Nice picture.
Doug Cook
So much for "planned obsolescence"!?
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