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Douglas DC-3 (N17334)
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Douglas DC-3 (N17334)



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Tyler Emtage
Awesome! 5*
manuel silva
Superb shot Donald...congratulations!!
Rebecca Little
Love this shot! Beautiful DC-3!
Christos Psarras
Excellent shot!!
Parker Sutton
How was this shot taken? Great photo!
Alan Hume
There's an awful lot of rivets holding that old girl together!
Tim Segulin
Beautifully composed! I don't think I've ever seen this angle before. The long lens really compresses the nose and puts the size of the plane in context with a clear view of the pilot. Alway good to see shots of this great old classic.
John Rumble
I love the "Sky King" Paint on the nacelles
Temple Brown
Through out history some things have been designed and manufactured in such a way that it is nearly impossible to improve upon the original design; the samurai sword, 1911 COLT 45, and the Douglas DC-3 all fit into this very small club of amazing longevity and utility.
Doug Cook
I'd add the Constellation to TB's list!
Barry Erlich
Awesome detail and composition! What a magnificent aircraft!
marylou anderson
Thank you for the even better shot.
James Fassinger
It looks like the C-47 but prettier.
eric anstine
beautiful Dc-2!
eric anstine- definitely a DC-3 type! :-)
The FAA civil registration shows it as a DC-3 with Douglas s/n 1920, built in 1937... :-)

jesse kyzer
1937 Douglas DC-3-178
SUPER THANK YOU! to everyone who help keep these Ol birds flying.
jesse kyzer
N17334 - Is reg to a 1937 DOUGLAS DC3 owned by FLAGSHIP DETROIT FOUNDATION
Some history at: http://www.aerialvisuals.ca/AirframeDossier.php?Serial=59569
SUPER THANK YOU! to everyone who helps keep these Ol’ historical birds flying
ken kemper
Superb !!
Temple Brown.....
So agree!
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