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Boeing 727-100 (N32720) - 727-63 General Electric Unducted Fan (UDF) Testbed, N32720 at the Mojave Airport on November 9, 1986. In 1986, General Electric modified a 727-63 to test an unducted fan (UDF) engine in place of the starboard turbofan engine. The engine powered two counter-rotating fans with eight blades each. They were expected to achieve significant improvements in fuel efficiency and were planned to power a proposed 150-seat airliner dubbed the 7J7. The modified UDF Testbed made its first flight at the Mojave Airport in August 1986.
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Boeing 727-100 (N32720)


727-63 General Electric Unducted Fan (UDF) Testbed, N32720 at the Mojave Airport on November 9, 1986. In 1986, General Electric modified a 727-63 to test an unducted fan (UDF) engine in place of the starboard turbofan engine. The engine powered two counter-rotating fans with eight blades each. They were expected to achieve significant improvements in fuel efficiency and were planned to power a proposed 150-seat airliner dubbed the 7J7. The modified UDF Testbed made its first flight at the Mojave Airport in August 1986.


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Hello Brian

I am currently writing a book about the Boeing 727 and I'm interested in including this photo in the book. Would that be possible? Full acknowledgment would be given at the front of the book and with the photo caption.

Thank you

Nigel Richardson ([email protected])
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