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N2220L — - Most awesomeest paint job in the world.  Amirite? Take that, Jim gravy!
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N2220L —


Most awesomeest paint job in the world. Amirite? Take that, Jim gravy!


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aftcg1Photo Uploader

Thanks for contacting me. Yes you may use the picture I took at Skagit of your new toy. Congratulations and I love the colorscheme! Will you be keeping it in the Northwest?

Hopefully I'll run in to you somewhere flying around in my Cessna 182 N1435S. I keep it near Palm Springs in the winter but Everett each summer.


Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Eric Stoltz <[email protected]>
Date: 11/13/16 12:20 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: N2220L

Re: Message sent from Airport-Data.com

Hi Duncan!

I'm the proud owner of N2220L. You took a picture of it in the San Juans. I found the pic you took on the Google machines and uploaded it to flight aware to brag about my new purchase. I'm being accused of infringing on your copyright. I'm asking permission to use the photo for that purpose only. Please let me know if I can use the picture or not.

Much thanks,
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28 фев 2025 BE24North Las Vegas ()North Las Vegas () 14:12 PST 14:47 PST 0:34
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