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OGMA Tiger Moth (ZK-BAH)
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OGMA Tiger Moth (ZK-BAH)



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Paul Wisgerhof
Somewhere over New Zealand. What a great shot, and beautiful paint scheme.
Diana Rose
A really kool image.
A MurphyPhoto Uploader
Thanks for the comments, taken from another Tiger Moth as we circled around Masterton in the North Island of NZ.
Mike Robinson
I’m sure that Tiger was once used to tow gliders back in the 60s
Peter Quadagno
Great shot
ken kemper
A Murphy....

Have to say the best pic of the Week.....

Well Done
Robin Rebhan
Perfect photo! I wish I was there!
Donn Avers
I'll 2nd. that nice.
Beautiful shot! Looks like 'Out of Africa'.
William Owens
serge LOTH
As a previous owner of a SV4 Stampe... this one is really good ... appreciate all landscape, aiplane etc...
To A.Murphy, a really nice shot. As a passenger, you get to sit in the front of these beauties- how cool is that !?!
John moffitt
Great photo.
I was fortunate to take a 1-1/2 hour flight in the front seat of a Tiger Moth about 25 years ago in Australia.
Best ride of my life. Like riding a Harley at 500 feet !
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