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Boeing 747-400 (G-BYGC)
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Boeing 747-400 (G-BYGC)



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Leon Kay
When was this photo taken with British airways flying in BOAC colours.?
Viv Pike
Probably 3 or 4 days ago ...
Pablo Rogina
BA is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and used BOAC livery in that plane. See more here:
richard Atkinson
Always think the BOAC livery has more class than current BA livery
Superb photograph with an excellent vantage point capture!
David Barrett
I still have my BOAC Junior Jet Club Log Book and Wings! Love that livery.
Robert Cowling
'Back in the US, back in the US, back in the USSR!'

Relatives told stories of trips on BOAC to Europe, and how crazy it was there then. It's not crazy, it's a different country.

Oh, flew in from Miami Beach BOAC.
Didn't get to bed last night
On the way the paper bag was on my knee
Man I had a dreadful flight
I'm back in the USSR.
You don't know how lucky you are boy
Back in the USSR. (Yeah)

charlie stender
Love that Speedbird on the tail
Loyd Enochs
The first BOAC/BA livery I ever saw and still the classic look.
Anabela Simões
Michael Wulfsohn
Best livery ever for BOAC/ British Airways. Great photo!
John Giambone
Great Shot, beautiful light!
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