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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N3701G) - B-17G on approach to runway 18 at KDAY.  This aircraft is called Madras Maiden and is operated by the Liberty Foundation.
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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N3701G)


B-17G on approach to runway 18 at KDAY. This aircraft is called 'Madras Maiden' and is operated by the Liberty Foundation.


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Alan Brown
Always enjoy the shots of the B-17s.
John mcGeoghan
How many B17 s are still flying. Awesome presence.
Larry Baker
I was helping install a ham radio antenna on a 100 foot mast what this airplane flew over.
I was able to take a picture with the tower and the plane.
The picture was posted in the December 2017 issue of QST the magazine of ARRL an Amateur
radio group.
James Fassinger
I love B-17's, B-25's because they like the other Bombers help bring the War to an End. The B-29 was the Glory Bird because of the two Bombs.
I always like to build Bombers, like the B-36, B-49,B-47, you name it I built it as a model but the B-17 is my favorite.
roland pfeifer
I always thought it had a nose wheel, but now I notice it is a tail drager.
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