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N14307 —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png средний / большой / полный

N14307 —



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Paul Wisgerhof
Great pic of a replica Gee Bee. This one was built in 2013. That was 81 years after the original Granville Gee Bee R2 Sportster.
Mark Ryalls
A two seater?
Alan Brown
Great photo! Thank you.
Andre Blanchard
Amazing photo angle!
James Driskell
And that's "The Mountain" in the background in typical Pacific Northwest weather!
While this is a great picture, it looks like a composite of background and aircraft with the pilot added in. In actual pictures, the pilot always just wears a headset and a ball cap. He also has less room between his head and the canopy. Plus, the light reflections do not look like natural sunshine.
Lyle JansmaPhoto Uploader
Hello WkndFlyr, I can assure you that this image is not a photoshop composite. Your comment "the pilot always just wears a headset and a ball cap" is somewhat baffling to me as I don't always wear a ball cap when I fly...
Saw this airplane at the Historic Flight Foundation Museum when it was located at PAINE field.
It was absolutely beautiful viewed up close and personal. The collection is now in Spokane,WA.
Beautiful shot! Nothing quite like a 'Gee Bee'
tom mcdo
What a fantastic photo! very very nice.
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