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Aerospatiale Concorde (G-BOAG) - On display at Museum of Flight, Seattle, USA
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Aerospatiale Concorde (G-BOAG)


On display at Museum of Flight, Seattle, USA


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Mark Thomas
Hopefully the guys at Boeing are going over the drawings on that Concorde so they can build a better one in the near future! We can hope and dream, right?
Gary Schenauer
What a fabulous shot! Color in all 5 stars for this one. Superb!
(I was there quite a few years back and saw two of these, but no Dreamliner back then. I've absolutely GOT to get back for another visit. Isn't there a Lockheed Connie somewhere around there now, too? The Constellation is my all-time fave propliner. Many Thanks for posting this one into the gallery, King.)
Adam Snarski
Great shot of a trio of great airliners!
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