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N7227C — - A freshly-rinsed B-17 "Texas Raiders" taxis out for a paid-ride flight after a Kansas thundershower. It is operated by the Commemorative Air Force Gulf Coast Wing.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png средний / большой / полный

N7227C —


A freshly-rinsed B-17 "Texas Raiders" taxis out for a paid-ride flight after a Kansas thundershower. It is operated by the Commemorative Air Force Gulf Coast Wing.


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serge LOTH
My heart goes always to this lady....(I flew on Pink lady) 10*
William Owens
Aero Service Corp owned this plane, and the company flew all of Texas in 1964 at 1”=8000’. The historical coverage is still the only complete project left intact from that era…
William Owens
ken kemper
Beautiful Legendary Image John
ken kemper
Beautiful Legendary Image John
Brian Cullity
I had an uncle 8th Army Air Force - Navigator - B-17 Eager Eagle. Mid air collision over England.
bob reeves
Killer shot !!!!
john cook
I sure miss 909
Terrible loss of irreplaceable men and machine. Rest In Peace
Paul Claxon
I got a ride in the B-17 Texas Raider before it was destroyed in a midair !
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