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ALENIA Spartan (C-27J) (C2707) - Taken 09/12/2022 at the end of E St.
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ALENIA Spartan (C-27J) (C2707)


Taken 09/12/2022 at the end of E St.


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These are the Coast Guard patrol planes stationed in Sacramento at the former McClellan AFB. I helped establish the Coast Guard Air Station there when we moved our HU16E and C-130 acft from SFO to McClellan. The Coast Guard still has helos at SFO. See www.qrz.com/db/k7acz
Joseph Immermann
Shouldn't they have designated this the C65? It kind of looks like half of a C130.
Justin Smith
I flew an Air National Guard C-27 out of Tarin Kowt in 2012. The guys flying drove it like they stole it. It is (or was I guess) like a sports car and they had no issue with an unrestricted climb out of TK....and no issue trying to make the Army guys in the back see their lunch for a second time. Great flight, wish the AF still had 27s.
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