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Pilatus PC-12 (C-GTAI)
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Pilatus PC-12 (C-GTAI)



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Absolutely stunning paint job.
Owned by a construction company and fort Mac is a heavy industry town (tar sands). Sounds like the right aircraft for the need.
Brian Mesko
Beautiful!! Nothing more to add.
wow !
William Owens
Beautiful !
Lloyd Sharp
Best paint scheme on a PC-12
Matt Lacey
I may be the only one who doesn’t think those colors juxtapose well. The pattern is A1, but the green and burnt orange don’t go together.
Doug Cook
I'd have trimmed the maple leaf in the green, but I'm an expert dc
Charles OBrien
Am I the only one thinking it looks like a fishing lure?
D Kaufman
Actually, I think the orange and green DOES make it. Beautiful!
Tranell Mayes
This is the coolest paint job I've ever seen great shot!
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10 мар 2025 PC12Scottsdale ()Edmonton/Villeneuve (Villeneuve) () 10:01 MST 15:49 MDT 4:48
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