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Boeing Dreamlifter (N747BC) - 2022.10.17br /5Y4316 ANC→NGO
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Boeing Dreamlifter (N747BC)


5Y4316 ANC→NGO


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Al Bell
Hard to believe anything this massive could get off the ground! How long ago was it that the Wright Brothers first flew? This reminds me that I have lived for 88 of the most amazing 120 years in all of history.
Anthony Fagan
Got to be one of the ugliest planes of all time.
gus sarantakos
It's a work horse.
Nathan Cox
Just flew this bird a week ago. And looking at the comments below, yes she’s ugly, but flies nearly as well as the original. Amazing when you see how many rivets are exposed on the fuselage! Long live the queen! The rivet queen!
David Malsher
Thanks for the intel Nathan. Always wondered how messed up the handling became when these airliner designs are converted so substantially. Would love to hear from any Guppy / Stratocruiser pilots on here!
The many rivets can be seen in this photo, taken before the plane was painted.
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6 мар 2025 BLCFCharleston Intl/AFB ()Mc Connell Afb () 07:53 EST 09:37 CST 2:44
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