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N71Q — - On flightline Featuring Matthew Guthmiller giving me the side-eye in the copilot's seat
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N71Q —


On flightline Featuring Matthew Guthmiller giving me the side-eye in the copilot's seat


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Paul Wisgerhof
Grumman G-44A Widgeon. Only 100 were built for civilian use after WWII. This may be a restoration of a military airframe.
Bill Bailey
This is a G-44A, c/n 1441, the 41st of 76 G-44A models Grumman built starting in Aug., 1945.It underwent a 1 1/2 year+ rebuild and flew again for the first time in 26 years in 2018. It never saw any military service.
James R. Miles
This aircraft is a G21A Goose, not a Widgeon! I know as this was the first aircraft that I ever flew way back in 1952. My father also operated both aircraft types in his airline, Midet Airlines.
James R. Miles
This is a Grumman G21A Goose and it was the first airplane that I ever flew on.
Registration says it's a G44A.
jdogsomePhoto Uploader
Not a goose. Grumman Goose never had non-radial counterpart (excluding Turboprop STCs). This is a Grumman Widgeon, considerably smaller than the goose.
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27 фев 2025 UnknownSpruce Creek ()New Smyrna Beach Muni () 12:19 EST 13:15 EST 0:55
27 фев 2025 UnknownSpruce Creek ()Spruce Creek () 11:22 EST 11:50 EST 0:28
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