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C-FLYL — - Taken May 16, 2008. Martin Mars water bomber Certification to fight fire in USA.br /Picture taken from my roof top at airport.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png средний / большой / полный



Taken May 16, 2008. Martin Mars water bomber Certification to fight fire in USA.
Picture taken from my roof top at airport.


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Eric Shepherd
Thumbs up!!!
Andreas Stöckl
What an impressive sight ... thanX 4 sharing :-)
ian mcdonell
ken kemper
Great photo Bill........
Morgan Robinson
It's always amazing to see pictures of the Martin Mars water bombers in action ... I've seen the planes in person, but not while on a mission.
David Seider
I hope that one of the two extant Mars aircraft ends up at the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola - restored and repainted to original specs.
Dave Jones
Considering that the Martin Mars spent relatively a small time as a military aircraft, I think it should stay in its fire fighting colours.

I have been inside and walked on the wings until they started to tip towards the water.

A nice museum should put it inside somewhere!
C.W. Reed
Thinking Pima Air & Space Museum:)!
Mackie Adams
Awesome photo!
a mentor
don't know what the current status is, but the Coulson Martin Mars was for sale now for a few years
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